Monday, August 08, 2005

day 1

by Hillsong United
Album: Hope (2003)
Words and Music by Reuben Morgan

Hide me now
Under your wings
Cover me
Within your mighty hand

When the oceans rise and thunders roar
I will soar with you above the storm
Father you are king over the flood
I will be still and know you are God

Find rest my soul
In Christ alone
Know his power
In quietness and trust

I so love this song. Thank God for His great love.

It's the start of the week and I thank God for reporting to work safe and sound. I have to finish the PES activities-points I am working on, so help me God.

Last night we had a meeting in MYF and discussed about the possible change in schedule of Reps [representatives’] meeting. We conduct it every first and third Sundays, but since it’s on Sundays, you expect everybody to be struggling with the schedule, many having conflict with their local church’s activity. Our adviser suggested a possible ‘open-to-all’ gathering, like a Christian service on Friday nights instead. I would be more amenable to that since my Sunday is already jam-packed with church activities.

We also watched a short video presentation about the enemy’s deception through music. It was a powerful video on radical Christianity and an interview featuring the church of satan. The host was Kirk Cameron and their website is I will check on that later.

Pastor Aries talked about the Last Days during the Prayer meeting last Saturday. He said prophecies of the Last Days are seen happening in the world. The call was to check on ourselves, a wake up call for Christians who may not be walking the holiness Christ taught us to take. Interesting ‘cause it coincides with Pastor Mark’s message last Sunday. They are both talking about advancing the kingdom of heaven today. Christians are called to ‘seek and save the lost’ and not to keep salvation to themselves. I have homework to make: Search for topics concerning revival. It has to be submitted on Sunday. Pastor Mark said he will let me lead the exhortation on Friday night services. Let God’s grace abound. Amen.

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