Thursday, November 04, 2010

The Santiago Family

1 November 2010

late posting yet not forgetting

On the 1st of this month, a friend of mine celebrated his birthday. You know who you are; and though I may not directly greet you, know that I remembered you more that day than any day. I pray the best for you. God bless.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Another trip to the ENT

As you may have recalled, I have a history of visiting the ENT some three years ago with my left ear. Just this morning, I went back for another case, this time with my right ear.

I am so anxious of the thought that it might be another case of keratosis. The memory of the pain it caused me back then was ingrained in my memory and perhaps will never be forgotten. So, when I started feeling the symptoms again, I had to go and see the doctor.

This time, it wasn't as serious as the first. Still painful though. But the ENT said I have an infection in the throat and instructed me to take some meds. The doc said it will also help with my ear case.

So, in the middle of my chaotic schedule at work and school, I had a timeout to visit the doctor. I hope the pain would go away for good this time.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

B1 and B2

Benedict and Bernard. My favorite twin. XD

Friday, October 01, 2010

Our family

Len, Archie, Agnes, Tan, Tatay, Jai

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Finally writing

I've finally urged myself to start writing... Yes, and it feels good.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Paid off

Well, April 5 was the oficial closure of the second semester for this academic year for me. All my papers and exams were in by this time. I'm glad it was over. I checked my grades earlier and found out it was favorable. Thank you, Lord. The marking system in our school gives 1.0 as the highest possible grade and 5.0 for failed. I got a 1.0 and a 1.25. :)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Pinay has her hands full and on the verge of screaming!!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

It's been a while....

Yup, I really don't have much time to update here least for now. A good chunk of my time is now coursing to my studies. There is too much to read; but if you enjoy the subject (and the program of course), it'll be easier to bear. But there are still times when I'm just stubborn or simply lazy. Nonetheless, I love studying. Right now, I'm due with two paper presentations in a couple of days and I barely have a page on each. The hardest part for me is always to begin to write. But I like the topic and will (probably) whip myself tonight to finish a good portion of it. I did my research work and data gathering and the books are all due tomorrow! Right!?! Oh-oh...

I wish to come back here soon and blog some more. Maybe, after I finish my school stuff.

I hope everyone is doing fine.

On a side note: Last Saturday, 13 February, was my Mom's 8th birthday in heaven. I miss you, Nanay. I love you so much.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

On Love

If you are looking for a sheep, don't look among the goats.