Friday, July 15, 2005


So much to be done...

Ma'am Lily asked me to write the background for the 8th DGF (Diliman Governance Forum) we'll be launching on the 29th. I have the slightest idea about past DGFs so it will take me (for sure!) some researches to work on the topic. This will be presented before everything else on that big day (yikes!) so it has to be more than ok!

... currently reading Between the State and the Market by LVC and thus our book, Civil Society and Good Governance by LZD. I have downloaded a lot of articles yesterday and hopefully finish reading them today! (sighz) Lord, Help me come up with something good! Pleeeeaasze!

My sisters asked me to look on topics about Shinto (Japanese religion) and euthanasia (mercy killing) I still have a lot to do.....

We have a four-hour meeting on Monday and what do I expect from that??!! (sigh)

I just thank the Lord for this beautiful day. Glad I did not get sick last night. I wasn't feeling very well yesterday.

bye for now... ^^

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