We had the very first flag raising ceremony here in the college. I was asked to lead the Invocation in front of all the NCPAG community (UP National College of Public Administration and Governance). There were very few students and since it's an early Monday (8am, before office hours) activity, a lot of staff are missing... quoting our former VP, "it's hard to form a habit".
This was my prayer:
Dear Lord,
Thank you for this beautiful morning and for making us part of this ceremony. We pray that You bless NCPAG this month of July and all its projects and activities . Help us to be excellent in everything that we do and to be passionate with our work. Let us be worthy to be called Your children and as members of the NCPAG family. Make us one. Bless our Dean, the Centers, the staff, the faculty and students. Thank you, Lord. This we ask in Jesus' precious name. Amen.
The Dean commended me three times for this prayer. He was touched. It was really my heart's prayer for our institution.
Right before lunch, my Director told me that she'll be sending me to a 4-day seminar in Tagaytay (July 7-10). It's on Social Artistry. I don't know what to expect. Clueless.
Like I prayed, I wish to have a productive July. I pray that this fine day will just be the start of a fruitful month (the week already secured a meaningful activity).
Dear Lord,
Thank you that You're giving me a lot of things to be thankful about. I'm really happy that you placed that prayer in my heart; inspite of me being a junior in the institution I was able to participate in the activity, much more, that there are people that were touched by that prayer. Like I have always prayed, continue to make me a blessing to other people. Let Your light shine upon my life. Thank you Lord. Be with me always. In Jesus' name. Amen
i miss xanga's eprops feature...
so i don't have to write any comments!
=P guess i'm just lazy on holidays..
anyway nice to hear about what haps..
stay focused and press on !! ^.^
and.... update your blog..>!!!
God blesz n take care, cyaz
Whoah...looks like somebody has found my blog [Oops!] ;p
thanks, templarz... update my blog...soon perhaps! *wink*
God bless you, too! XD
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