Thursday, November 02, 2006


It should be worthy to say here that after the long preparation, hard work, heartaches, stress, and plain busyness, the Congress finally closed as a huge success! Everybody was commending us with the outcome of the event. Praise God! I remember, a week before the Congress, I almost quit my job! That moment was just overwhelming it felt like I'm going to explode. Thank God for making me calm amidst all troubles.

I just want to say thanks to everyone who helped me get through this Congress. To all the prayers and support: Thank you! I feel like a better person today.

Anyway, life goes on. Right now, I'm working on another big project--bigger than the Congress. This time, my participants will come from all over the Asia Pacific, A Regional Conference of Academes. Pwew! Makes me think the Congress was just a guinea pig. We'll see.

I better eat a lot now.

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