Friday, January 06, 2006

another weekend ahead

tomorrow, i will be going home. a lot of activities await me this weekend. for one, it's our church's anniversary. another year of God's blessing in His church. we planned this to be very simple yet of course, preparation is necessary. i pray that it will bless the people all the more. and for another year, for God's shower of blessings and anointing. thank you Lord for another year of service.

we are also called to have an assessment for the youth conference last dec 29-30. i have to rush to the MYF office right after the anniversary. Sunday busy-ness! pwew!

of course, family time. well i'm sure, we'll all be busy with the church program and all, but i will see my loveones, so it's fun! i'll make sure to have a chat with my father despite the sched!

have a great weekend everyone. and a restful one, too. God bless!


Dabiru Sridhar Patnaik said...

ofcourse family is a great stress reliever...have a gr8 week ahead.

Anonymous said...

kelan anniv nyo? hapi anniv!!!

Pinay said...

That's very true, atty! hello there sridhar! =P thanks!

Hi Jane! second Sunday of January and Church anniv namin. thanks din!