Sunday, April 01, 2007

restful weekend


It was a restful Saturday for me. Have not had such long hours for myself in a long while! Finally, I’ve finished my second John Grisham book, A Time to Kill (I read The Client back in college). It was a great read. The author is really building on the characters. I like the way he described the setting, very vivid. I’m enjoying every page as if I’m watching it onscreen (have not seen the movie though). It’s beautiful. I hope I can start with a third book, The Pelican Brief.

After Saturday night practice, I went to Bro. Mark’s place as promised. He was asleep at 7pm! Yeah, he sleeps very early and wakes up in the wee hours of morn as part of his discipline. I left the thing to his nieces Shek and Sarah.

When I got home, my cousin Julius was there! He came home for the graduations (his siblings are also graduating). I love him so much; he’s my best buddy. We practically grew up together and spent childhood as pals. Since we went to college, we barely see each other and very seldom that he could make it on special occasions. I was so happy to see him. He said he really waited for me to get home. It’s been a practice that whenever he’s in town, he visits us. I’m glad he did. It was a joy.


I was the song leader for this first Sunday. My lineup was all worship songs: Psalm 19, Still, Spirit Touch Your Church. Sunday service was over after the communion.

After lunch, I got a text from my niece who’s been away (in Tarlac) for a year now. Oh, I missed her and her sisters so much (Geng, Jing, Ayeka). It was a fun exchange of messages talking about everyday things like viands, what’s up for the moment, school, etc. Then finally she said, “Sige po, I love you.” I replied saying how much I love her and missed them badly. I could not help but cry. Even now as I type this, I’m still crying. I love all my nieces and nephew. I miss my Geng so much! To be honest, I have a very special affection to Geng. Perhaps because she’s the first in her generation in the family. I’ve always thought of her as my own. I’m so attached to her that I feel bad toward my brother for taking the kids away (They moved to his in-laws and enrolled the kids there.). And Sunday afternoon was like, “I want to see my kids back”-syndrome for me. It was too bad they can’t make it for the summer break. Although Jing said she will be home this summer. I really wish to see them soon.

At 3pm, we went to MYF’s outreach at Hiyas Convention Pavilion. The theme is on witchcraft and other deceiving media of the enemy. The theater arts had an excellent performance! To my surprise, they used To Where You Are as one of their main songs. Beautiful!

So I went straight to our apartment afterwards for another week ahead.

Today is Mhes' birthday. Happy birthday, mare!

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