Friday, March 31, 2006

Sem-ender fuss!

It's almost the end of second semester here in UP. I'm busy preparing students' grades (right now, just the undergrads). No, I don't teach here; I'm a URA, yet I assist my Director (who is a faculty in the university) in her teaching tasks. She teaches and grades students but I process the grades--the meticulous side of teaching. Right now, this is what's eating up my day.

I'm almost through--just a few columns my boss has to fill. Grades of graduating students must be submitted on Monday. I have to finish all these today.

It's been raining for the last three days. At least, it changes the atmosphere; more relaxing air and not unbearable heat. I'll be going straight home after office. I hope rain will not catch me on the way.

Have a great weekend everyone! I had to prepare for my bros getaway to Baguio this weekend. Just wanna be sure he packs his bag right :p (big sister sort of thing). Mine did not push through :'( Poor Len.

~~Boy, I'm sleepy.~~

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