Friday, November 25, 2005

Simply Amazing!

…that I can communicate with another person on the other side of the planet without leaving my chair.

No matter how much I understand the power of technology, it conspicuously leaves me in great wonder.

Naah, just being me.


Keith said...

It is amazing isn't it. Brothers and sisters in Christ united in fellowship and prayer over the internet. Thank you Jesus for my sister in Christ and may You bless her as she serves You!

Pinay said...

Thank you. And this is one of the reasons I'm glad I understand how to use this technology, to be able to communicate with other Christians outside my own land. It is always an encouragement to learn how the Lord works in different ministries in different cultures for His name's sake. And I pray that God bless my brother, Sir Keith, and all of the brethren faithfully serving Him. Use them mightily for Your kingdom. Amen.