Thursday, June 07, 2007


Left the office at 6:15 pm last night to prepare dinner. I cooked ginisang mongo (sauteed mongo with tofu, tomatoes, and ampalaya leaves) courtesy of Tita Jean. Dinner's ready at 7.30. Teeny was out so I was waiting for Aidz to arrive from work. It's ironing day for me; from 7:55 to 8:35 everything was well-pressed. Suddenly, it felt like my head was too heavy, it hurts, and felt like going to explode. I was afraid my blood pressure's going up (have no basis for thinking that though.) Could it be the egg? ( I had one in the morning and one in the afternoon). I don’t know. But what I did was to lie on my bed and hoped it goes away. Aidz was not home until 9:55. We ate late and I hardly was able to finish my plate. I excused myself and went off to bed. I’m glad I’m okay in the morning. There’s a lot to do.


Got an email from our host today. It was fun to read.

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